VOOM Hardcopy 3P
VOOM Hardcopy 3P :
Forensic SATA/IDE Hard Drive Imager, Cloner, Wiper with NIST approved SHA256 built into the hardware tool. The Hard copy 3P has been refined and redesigned to meet the ever-growing needs of progressive and committed forensic investigators.

Extreme Performance
- Forensically duplicates HDD ’s faster than ever – up to 6 GB/min with hashing
- Clone (disk to disk) or Image (disk to file or files) – user-selectable
- 1 SATA/IDE native source port (write-blocked); 2 SATA destination ports
- Easily accommodates laptops & IDE
- Duplicate or Wipe 2 drives simultaneously – No Slowdown
- Built-in, user-selectable MD5 and SHA256 verification
- Hash re-verification on read from destination(s) – user-selectable
- Automatically handles Host Protected Areas & Device Configuration Overlays
- Standard 1 Year Warranty
- Price competitive
Performance Examples
Transfer rates with SHA256 hashing:
Source: WD Velociraptor 300 GB – Destination: WD Caviar Green 2 TB
Peak Transfer: 6.1 GB/m
Average Transfer Across Disk: 5.9 GB/m
Transfer Time: 00:50:47
Transfer Time with Re-verification: 01:40:00
Re-verification Alone: 6.1 GB average across the disk
Transfer rates with MD5 hashing:
Source: WD Velociraptor 300 GB – Destination: WD Caviar Green 2 TB
Peak Transfer: 5.7 GB/m
Average Transfer Across Disk: 5.6 GB/m
Transfer Time: 00:52:49
Transfer Time with Re-verification: 01:44:33
Re-verification Alone: 5.7 GB average across the disk